How Long Does it Take to Travel from Scottsdale to Phoenix?

Are you planning a trip from Scottsdale, Arizona to Phoenix, Arizona? Find out how long it takes to travel between the two cities and what mode of transportation is best.

How Long Does it Take to Travel from Scottsdale to Phoenix?

Are you planning a trip from Scottsdale, Arizona to Phoenix, Arizona? If so, you may be wondering how long it will take to get there. The answer depends on the mode of transportation you choose. The fastest route from Scottsdale to Phoenix is by car. The driving distance between the two cities is 396 meters and 19 kilometers.

This translates to 12.1 miles. If you take North Scottsdale Road, it will take you 6.15 miles from Scottsdale to Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport (PHX). If you have access to a private jet, you can fly the fastest possible straight line between Phoenix and Scottsdale. This will take you 9 miles (14.48 kilometers).No matter which mode of transportation you choose, you can expect your journey from Scottsdale to Phoenix to take around 30 minutes.

However, this time can vary depending on traffic and other factors.

Miles Ambler
Miles Ambler

Subtly charming beer evangelist. Subtly charming social media scholar. Certified food lover. Freelance coffeeaholic. Typical travel specialist. Typical food specialist.