What is the Time Zone in Scottsdale, Arizona?

Scottsdale, Arizona is located in the Mountain Time Zone. All of Arizona is in the Mountain Time Zone and does not observe Daylight Saving Time.

What is the Time Zone in Scottsdale, Arizona?

Scottsdale, Arizona is located in the Mountain Time Zone. All of Arizona is in the Mountain Time Zone. Since 1968, the majority of the state, with a few exceptions, does not observe Daylight Saving Time and remains in Mountain Standard Time (MST) throughout the year. This means that most of Arizona has the same time as neighboring California from March to November, when locations in the Pacific time zone observe Daylight Saving Time.

On March 21, 1968, the Arizona legislature passed SB 1, which placed Arizona under standard time. This law has been in effect ever since and has not been amended since then.

Miles Ambler
Miles Ambler

Subtly charming beer evangelist. Subtly charming social media scholar. Certified food lover. Freelance coffeeaholic. Typical travel specialist. Typical food specialist.