What is the Zip Code for Scottsdale, Arizona?

Find out what the zip code for Scottsdale, Arizona is and learn more about mailing something to this desert city.

What is the Zip Code for Scottsdale, Arizona?

Scottsdale, Arizona is a desert city located east of the state capital of Phoenix. It is renowned for its spas, golf courses, and TPC Scottsdale. The McDowell Sonoran Preserve, a desert landscape of hills, rock formations, and cacti, is located just north of the city. Taliesin West, the former home and studio of architect Frank Lloyd Wright, is also nearby.

The historic downtown area of Scottsdale features buildings from the 1920s and olive trees from the 19th century. The City of Scottsdale is a premier community in Arizona with a long history of economic growth and success. The zip code for Scottsdale, Arizona is 85250-85258.This zip code covers most of the city, including downtown Scottsdale and the surrounding areas. It is important to note that some parts of Scottsdale are located in other zip codes, such as 85266 and 85259.When mailing something to Scottsdale, it is important to use the correct zip code to ensure that it reaches its destination.

Additionally, many businesses in Scottsdale require customers to provide their zip code when making purchases or signing up for services.

Miles Ambler
Miles Ambler

Subtly charming beer evangelist. Subtly charming social media scholar. Certified food lover. Freelance coffeeaholic. Typical travel specialist. Typical food specialist.